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Studenti > Ispit iz HIRURGIJE > Ispitna pitanja


1. Asepsis
2. Sterilisation
3. Desinfection
4. Antisepsis
5. Antiseptic Solutions
6. Methods of Sterilisation
7. Patients Hystory and Surgical Patients
8. Role of Endoscopy in Surgery
9. Peritoneal Lavage
10. Punctions
11. Decompression of Gastrointestinal Tract
12. Catheterisation
13. Biopsy in Surgery
14. Diagnostic Ultrasound
15. Standard and Special (CT, MRI, ANGIO, ISOTOPIC) Radiologic Procedures in Surgery
16. Prehospital Treatment of Injured Patients
17. Initial Evaluation of Injured Patients and Trauma Severity and Triage Decision
18. Trauma Score (TS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS)
19. Trauma Centers
20. Wounds - Etiology and Classification
21. Wound Healing
22. Wound Care and Dressings
23. Wound Closure
24. Complications of Wound Healing
25. Wounds and Prophylaxis Against Tetanus
26. Wounds and Antibiotic Prophylaxis
27. Classification of Wounds According to Contamination
28. Wound Infection
29. Surgical Infections
30. Operative Treatment of Surgical Infections
31. Antibitics of Choice in Treatment of Surgical Infections
32. Oxygenotherapy and Anaerobic Infections
33. Shock (Definition, Etiology, Patophysiology)
34. Circulatory Shock
35. Septic Shock
36. Staging of Shock
37. Initial Treatment of Shock – General Principles
38. Termic Injuries   Etiology, Clinical Signs
39. Circulatory Shock in Burned Patients
40. Systemic and Local Changes in Burned Patients
41. Criteria for Hospitalization Ofburned Patients
42. First Aid and Transportation of Burned Patient
43. Normal Exchange of Fluid and Electrolytes
44. Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy
45. Venous Access
46. Nutrition in The Surgical Patients
47. Indications and Methods for Nutritional Support
48. Preoperative Check Up of Surgical Patients
49. Preoperative Evaluation of Surgical Risks (ASA classification)
50. Classification of Surgical Procedures (Terminology)
51. Postoperative Complications
52. Single-Organ Failure Syndrome (SOFS)
53. Multi-Organ Failure Syndrome (MOFS)
54. Neoplastic Disease (Biology, Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, Staging and Treatment)
55. Biology of Neoplastic Disease
56. TNM – Classification of Tumors
57. Principles of Cancer Therapy
58. Alentheses
59. Implantation Surgery


1. Pain (Definition, Criteria, Caracteristics)
2. Treatment of Acute Postoperativne Pain
3. Chronic Pain Treatment
4. Premedication in Surgery
5. General Anaesthesia (Types, Stadia, Anaestethics)
6. Regional Anaesthesia (Types, Indications,Anaestethics)
7. Cardiac Arrest (Definition,Aethiology and Diagnostics)
8. Principles of Cardiopulmonal Resuscitation (CPR)
9. Complications of Cardiopulmonal Resuscitation (CPR)
10. ECG Monitoring of Cardiac Arrest
11. Medicamentous Therapy of Cardiac Arrest
12. Early Defibrilation in CPR
13. Pediatric CPR


1. Surgicalneck Infections
2. Neck Tumors
3. Neck Injuries


1. Inflammatory Disorders of The Breast
2. Benign Lesions of The Breast
3. Carcinoma of The Breast


1. Motility Disorders of Oesophagus
2. Caustic Injury of Oesophagus
3. Carcinoma of The Oesophagus
4. Diaphragmatic Hernias
5. Traumatic Rupture of Diaphragma and Oesophagus


1. Euthyreotic Goiter
2. Graves Disease
3. Thyreoiditis
4. Malignant Goiter
5. Hyper and Hypoparathyreoidism
6. Adrenal Surgery


1. Eventerations (Spontaneous, Traumatic, Postoperative)
2. Sites of Herniation
3. Groin Hernia
4. Postoperative Incisional Hernias
5. Umbilical Hernia
6. Strangulated Hernia
7. Pathology of Inguinal Chanel in Children
8. Abdominal Injuries
9. Secundary Bacterial Peritonitis
10. Intraabdominal Abscess
11. Abdominal Pain in Children
12. Subphreincabscess
13. Douglass Abscess
14. Stomach and Duodenal Peptic Ulcer – Surgical Complications
15. Gastroduodenal Bleeding
16. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
17. Stomach and Duodenal Peptic Ulcer – Surgical Treatment
18. Gastric Cancer
19. Crohn`s Disease
20. Acuteappendicitis
21. Periapendicular Infitration and Periapendicular Abscess
22. Meckel`s Diverticulum
23. Colonic Diverticulosis
24. Ulcerative Colitis
25. Enterostomy Andanus Praeter Naturalis
26. Hemorrhoidal Disease
27. Fistula-In-Ano
28. Anorectal Infections
29. Anal Fissure
30. Rectal Prolaps
31. Rectal Cancer
32. Pilonidal Disease
33. Gallbladder Stones
34. Common Bile Duct Stones
35. Hepatic Abscesses
36. Cysts and Tumours of The Liver
37. Acute Pancreatitis
38. Chronic Pancreatitis
39. Cysts and Tumours of The Pancreas
40. Surgery of The Spleen
41. Acute Abdomen
42. Gstrointestinal Bleeding
43. Intraperitoneal Bleeding
44. Ileus
45. Dinamic Ileus


1. Fracture Healing
2. Basic Principles of Treatment of Diseases and Injuries of Musculosceletal Trauma
3. Foot and Ankle Deformities
4. Knee Deformities
5. Hip Deformities
6. Spinal Deformities
7. Pyogenic Arthritis
8. Bone and Joint Tuberculosis
9. Rheumatoid Arthritis
10. Hip Degenerative Diseases
11. Knee Degenerative Diseases
12. Spine Degenerative Diseases
13. Epiphyseal Disorders
14. Benign Bone Tumors
15. Primary and Secunary Bone Tumors
16. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
17. Limb Amputations
18. Orthopaedic Devices
19. Types of Fractures
20. Joint Injuries
21. Complication of Musculosceletal Trauma
22. Spinal Injuries
23. Injuries of Thoracolumbal Spine
24. Fractures of The Clavicle
25. Shoulder Dislocations
26. Fractures of The Proximal Humerus
27. Fractures of The Humeral Shaft and Supracondylar Fractures
28. Elbow Dislocations
29. Fractures of The Proximal Ulna and Radius
30. Colles Fracture
31. Wrist Bone Fractures
32. Hand Bone Fractures
33. Radiocarpal Dislocations
34. Pelvic Fractures
35. Hip Dislocations
36. Femoral Neck Fractures
37. Femoral Shaft Fractures
38. Supracondylar Femoral Fractures
39. Knee Injuries
40. Ligamentar Injuries of The Knee
41. Meniscal Injuries of The Knee
42. Patellar Fractures and Dislocations
43. Tibial Plateau Fractures
44. Tibial Shaft Fractures
45. Malleolar Fractures and Dislocations
46. Foot Trauma
47. Musculosceletal Trauma in Children
48. Specific Complications after Musculosceletal Trauma
49. Compartmentsyndrome after Trauma
50. Traumatic Rupture of Tendon Achillis
51. Tendovaginitis


1. Chest Wall Congenital Deformities
2. Thoracic Injuries
3. Acute and Chronicempyema
4. Traumatic Pneumothorax and Hematothorax
5. Spontaneous Pneumothorax
6. Lung Abscess, Bronchiectasis
7. Lung Tumors
8. Mediastinitis
9. Injuries Oftracheobronchial Tree
10. Mediastinal Tumors


1. Extracorporeal Circulation, Hypothermy, Cardioplegia
2. Cardiac Trauma
3. Pericardial Tamponade
4. Cardiac Tumors
5. Congenital Acyanotic Heart Disease
6. Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease
7. Patent Ductus Arteriosus
8. Coarctation of The Aorta
9. Aquired Valvular Heart Disease
10. Aneurysm and Dissection of The Thoracic Aorta
11. Coronary Artery Disease – Surgical Treatment


1. Etiology and Distribution of Occlusive Arterial Disease
2. Diagnosis of Occlusive Arterial Disease
3. PAOB - Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease Oflower Limbs
4. Syndroma Leriche – Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease
5. Buerger`s Disease (Thrombangiitis Obliterans)
6. Diabetic Foot
7. Acute Arterial Occlusion
8. Arterial Embolism
9. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
10. Peripheral Arterial Aneurysms
11. Renovascular Disease
12. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
13. Extracranial Cerebrovascular Disease – Surgical Aspects
14. Arteriovenous Fistulae
15. Morbus Raynaud and Other Vasospastic Disorders
16. Vascular Trauma
17. Traumatic Rupture of Thoracic Aorta
18. Varicose Veins
19. Thrombophlebitis
20. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
21. Pulmonary Embolism
22. Classification of Lymphedema
23. Organ Transplantation - Basic Principles
24. Portal Hypertension – Surgical Aspects


1. Indications for Tissue Transplantation (Fascia, Tendon, Cartilage, Bone)
2. Skin Grafts
3. Skin Flaps
4. Congenital Anomalies of The Hand
5. Dupuytren`s Contracture
6. Hand Tumors
7. Hand Injuries
8. Injuries of Hand Tendons
9. Injuries of Hand Nerves
10. Onquassative Injuries of Hand
11. Hand Infections
12. Traumatic Hand Amputation-Indications for Replantation
13. Epithelial Skin Cancer
14. Mesenhimal Soft Tissue Tumors
15. Malignant Melanoma
16. Burn Treatment in First 48 Hours
17. Prehospital Treatment of Burned Patient
18. Local Therapy of Burns
19. Surgical Treatment of Burns
20. Estimation of Burn Severity
21. Burn Wound Infection
22. Indications for Aesthetic Operations
23. Prosthetic Material in Aesthetic Surgery
24. Breast Augmentation
25. Post Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction


1. Criteria for Evaluation of Severitiy of Head Injuries
2. Classification of Head Injuries
3. Open Head Injuries
4. Closed Head Injuries
5. Complications of Head Injuires
6. Intracranial Hypertension Associated With Brain Tumour
7. Supratentorial Brain Tumour
8. Infratentorial Brain Tumour
9. Hypophyseal Tumours
10. Principles of Treament of Brain Cancer
11. Hydrocephalus
12. Congenital and Developmental Abnormalitities of Central Nervous System
13. Spinal Tumors
14. Intervertebral Disc Disease
15. Intracranial Aneurysms
16. Intracranial Arteriovenous Malforlmations
17. Peripheral Nerve Injury


1. Urinary Tract Trauma
2. Urinary Calculosis - Ethiologyand Diagnosis
3. Urinary Calculosis   Current Treatment
4. Renal Parenchymal Tumors
5. Urinary Bladder Tumors
6. Testicular Tumors
7. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
8. Prostatic Carcinoma
9. Urinary Tract Infections
10. Urinary TBC
11. Sexual Disorders (Impotencu, Infertility)
12. Urinary Bladder Function and Disorders
13. Obstructive Uropathies
14. Congenital Anomalies in Pediatric Urology
15. Urinary Retention  
16. Acute Hemiscrotum
17. Retroperitoneal Tumours in Children


1. Aseptic Tehcnics in War Conditions
2. Doctrinary Principles of War Surgery
3. Mechanism of Injury in War Wounds
4. First Aid At The Point of Wounding
5. Cathegorisation of War Wounds
6. Triage and Reception of Large Number of Wounded in War
7. Evacuation in War
8. Resuscitation During The Evacuation
9. Specificities of War Wound
10. Surgical Balistics of War Wounds
11. War Wound Excision
12. War Wound Closure
13. Treatment of Neglegted and Mismanaged War Wounds
14. Infection in War Wounds
15. Aerobic Infections in War Wounds
16. Anaerobic Infections in War Wounds
17. Acute Progressive Clostriodial Myonecrosis
18. Hyperoxygenotherapy in Treatment of Anaerobic Infection in War Wound
19. Traumatic Shock in War
20. Thermic Injuries in War
21. Burns in War
22. Anesthesia in War Surgery
23. Combined War Injuries
24. Crush Syndrome
25. Blast Syndrome

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